
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Attention Pollo Zarappe Enthusiasts

If you voted for Pollo Zarappe in our "Favorite Dish" poll, pay attention to this. Pollo Zarappe is now called Gritona. Please take note next time you order.

Photo Credit: Tony Piraino

Liquor License Issued! Let the Tequila Flow!

The State of Illinois has issued El Matador their liquor license. The margaritas, and Dos Eques are ready to flow like water from the tap. 

"I don't always eat Mexican, but when I do, I do it at El Matador."

New El Matador Menu

Here is a copy of the new menu. This is the latest menu, but is not guaranteed to be accurate, as El Matador manages any menu and/or prices changes.

Content Credit: Nikki Cutler


As of May 19th El Matador is reopened. As late as Friday night 05/17 there was no sign of an opening, but as of Sunday the new El Matador has posted a "Now Open" sign and the doors are open.

Stay tuned for the latest news and information as we report it!

Photo credit: Stephen Zeller